Saint Louis University
Cellular Biophysics Laboratory
Selected Publications

Amina Mohammadalipour*, Christian A. Showalter, Harrison T. Muturi, Amir M. Farnoud, Sonia M. Najjar, and Monica M. Burdick, Cholesterol depletion decreases adhesion of non-small cell lung cancer cells to E-selectin, American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology. 2023; 325 (2): C471–C482
Amina Mohammadalipour, Miguel F. Diaz, Megan Livingston, Adesuwa Ewere, Allen Zhou, Paulina D. Horton, Loretta T. Olamigoke, John M. Lamar, John P. Hagan, Hyun J. Lee, Pamela L. Wenzel, RhoA-ROCK competes with YAP to regulate amoeboid breast cancer cell migration in response to lymphatic-like flow. FASEB BioAdvances. 2022; 4:342–361

Amina Mohammadalipour, Sandeep P. Dumbali, and Pamela L. Wenzel, Mitochondrial Transfer and Regulators of Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Function and Therapeutic Efficacy, Front Cell Dev Biol. 2020; 8: 603292.
Amina Mohammadalipour, Miguel F. Diaz, Sumedha Pareek, Pamela L. Wenzel, Ex Vivo Modeling of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Homing to the Fetal Liver, In: Turksen, K. (eds) Stem Cell Renewal and Cell-Cell Communication. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2020; 2346. Humana, New York, NY.

Amina Mohammadalipour*, Monica M. Burdick, and David F. J. Tees, Deformability of breast cancer cells in correlation with surface markers and cell rolling, FASEB J. 2018; 32 (4): 1806-1817.
Amina Mohammadalipour, Monica M. Burdick, and David F. J. Tees, Viscoelasticity Measurements Reveal Rheological Differences Between Stem-like and Non-stem-like Breast Cancer Cells, Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering. 2017; 10 (3): 235–248.